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6 questions for Rik Feijen of Rabauw Craft Beer

rabauw craft beer

Written by Niek van Son MSc on January 22, 2025

Niek van Son

Last updated January 23, 2025

1. Can you tell something about the period before you used the name Rabauw?

Rik Feijen - Rabauw Craft Beer

After evenings of philosophizing and sharing boyhood dreams, Rabauw Craft Beer started in 2019 together with craf beer webshop Craftonly. A brewery with a social character. We started under the name Vagabond Socially Crafted Beer. This name was chosen because we thought this was a very fitting name for our social brewery. Our beers are brewed by a motley mix of Vagabonds; people for whom life is not only an adventure, but also a challenge.

After the Netherlands was raided by the corona virus in March, we had to swallow another bitter pill that same month: a claim from Germany. Brauerei Vagabund challenged us to stop using our brand name: Vagabond. Oops, that's a bit of a shock. The initial indignation quickly turned into fighting spirit. After some research, it turned out that Brauerei Vagabund registered the name in 2019 literally six days before we did. Legally, there was not a grain of malt between them. Those Germans are right. Damage!

Especially since in a short time, even if we humbly say so ourselves, we have already built up quite a reputation and tens of thousands of people have drunk our beers. In addition, and perhaps best of all, Vagabond is proudly carried by our people: our vagabonds.

One thing is certain: we will not let the first setback throw us off the trail. Heads up and keep going. Creative sessions, historical advice and input from our Vagabonds. And then we knew for sure. Yes, this is it!

2. How did the name Rabauw come about?

Rabauw? Yes indeed, RABAUW! A medieval synonym for vagabond. It couldn't be more beautiful! Same meaning and just a tad more naughty. For the attentive reader: no more Socially Crafted? Yes, but we don't have to tell you that we are social. Come and find out for yourself.

3. Where do you want to be in 5 years?

Besides our location in Gemert, we want to expand to multiple locations in order to make more impact. Our mission is, on the one hand, to provide more well-being for our employees. But we also want to look further and increase the overall opportunities for the target group in this society. We do this by telling the stories of our Rabauwers.

At 15, I started my first venture of my own, the games company Plox Internet Media with its flagship site Spelle.nl. In 15 years, Plox Internet Media has grown into a global casual game network active in 25 countries with a monthly unique reach of 15 million children. I sold this company in early 2018.

I used my knowledge gained at Plox Internet Media, to form the online strategy for HuisPortaal.nl. This has now become the second largest online real estate agent in the Netherlands. HuisPortaal.nl offers home sellers and landlords an online platform to present and manage homes on all leading national housing sites (such as Funda.nl). In early 2020, this company was sold to VB&T Makelaars.

Besides a passion for online entrepreneurship, I also have a love for special beer. Eight years ago my dream came true and together with Gijs I run my own special beer café in the heart of Gemert. Café Gij&Ik distinguishes itself with a large assortment of more than 250 special beers and a very varied live music program.

Last year while setting up Rabauw, I was first introduced to social entrepreneurship. Besides hoping that social entrepreneurship will become the norm in the future, I personally like the aspect, making (social) impact and not just focusing on profit maximization.

5. What should more entrepreneurs do?

Entrepreneurship is the way to make (social) impact. Besides making profit (which is obviously necessary for a self-reliant business model), I think making impact is a very important aspect of entrepreneurship. Making impact can be integrated within all business models, but sometimes needs a different perspective on 'entrepreneurship'. So my advice would be come have a beer with us, so we might inspire you to also integrate social entrepreneurship within your business.

6. Suppose you could do everything all over again, what would you do differently?

Have your trade name well checked in advance by a good trademark agency and register it directly through BOIP. This can prevent a lot of trouble afterwards.

Niek van Son

Niek van Son MSc

Marketing Management (MSc, University of Tilburg). 10+ years of experience as an online marketing consultant (SEO - SEA). Occasionally writes articles for Frankwatching, Marketingfacts and B2bmarketeers.nl.

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