Articles on Marketing
Marketing is a field in which an awful lot of people have heard the bell ring, but no one really knows where the clapper hangs. In our articles, we try to make scientifically proven marketing methods understandable and usable for SME entrepreneurs.
This allows them to make better commercial decisions and therefore grow faster.
Availability heuristic.
The Availability Heuristic is a mental fallacy based on availability. Of that which is readily available in the brain, we wrongly expect it to occur frequently or recur...
Read moreAchoring bias: what is it? And how can you use it?
The powerful effect of the "anchoring bias" is a not to be underestimated bias that is automatically created in our brain. We'll explain how this effect affects customers in their...
Read moreEndowment effect: what is it? + examples for entrepreneurs
The endowment effect describes how customers place more value on something that (instinctively) belongs to them than on something that does not (yet) belong to them. So make your customers already...
Read moreMere exposure effect: what is it? + marketing examples
The brain prefers to store at what feels familiar. The mere exposure effect describes how familiar stimuli (words read, images viewed, sounds heard, etc.) feel more pleasant to the brain, and...
Read moreMimesis, what can you do with it in online marketing?
Mimesis is Ancient Greek and means imitation, imitation, imitation. It is also a concept developed by French anthropologist René Girard. He observed that much (buying) behavior is not spontaneous or out of...
Read moreLead generation for B2B. What is it? How do you get more leads?
In the b2b market, online findability is crucial. After all, in this market, companies orient themselves extensively online. By being easily findable online during this orientation process, the chances that they...
Read moreBranded search: bidding on own and competitor's brand name
Bidding on your own brand name is often referred to by SME entrepreneurs as a waste of money. On our own brand name, we are already at the top organically (unpaid) so why pay to...
Read morePhysical availability: make your brand easy to find and buy
Can potential customers easily find and buy your brand if they want to? That's physical availability. (Re)knowing and thinking about your brand in a buying situation is called mental...
Read moreMental availability/Brand salience: crucial for brand growth
In 2010, Professor Byron Sharp wrote a groundbreaking scientific marketing book, "How Brands Grow. Sharp (what's in a name?) overturned many a sacred house and its impact still resonates....
Read moreThe misunderstanding of marketing cleared up
There are still hordes of people - even with marketing in their job titles - who confuse marketing, communications and media. For consumers, marketing is often (bad) advertising. For professionals...
Read moreIs your company missing opportunities?
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